Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Who Would Have Knew....

Who Would Have Knew... 
Who would have knew; that if Jeff and I decided to not buy any toys for our kids they would be totally content with playing in the bathtub....without water!  This whole post is dedicated to the spunkiness of children and the desire to want to climb in and out of the bathtub!  Today you get two stories....yep...about the bathtub!

Jeff gave Brennan a bath last night....actually a REALLY long bath!  Brennan loves the water!  His new thing to do is flip over on his back and kick.  Kick all the water out of the tub onto the floor!  He literally will do this for 20 straight minutes.  He is at that age where he babble talks (some words understandable) and tells us all about....whatever it is he is saying!  He insisted on climbing out of the tub and signed all done so Jeff took him out.  He was dried off and diapered!  I was getting jammies ready and he was entertaining himself and walked out of his room with me.  Next thing I know, 15 seconds later he is in the tub diaper and all playing in the water.  Oh, boy are we in trouble!
Blowing bubbles in the tub!
Playing with my toys!
Playing dunk the turtle!  Don't you just love those little wrinkly hands!

Story 2:  This morning I was doing Ellie's hair.  She wanted to look like Elsa from the famous movie Frozen!  She loves that movie, not to mention Jeff and I do too!  As I am busy doing her hair, Little Man comes barreling through and low and behold climbs into the tub to play!  I thought, why didn't I think of that.....perfect containment!  He played in there the entire time by himself.... until:
Two in the tub!
Such a ham!  Brennan wouldn't sit long enough for a good picture!

What a crazy bunch of kids we have, but we wouldn't change them for the WORLD!  Enjoy your week!  Keep checking back as I will be giving away a $50 gift card in the next week or two!!!  Also, make sure to follow this blog to receive updates! (The follow button is located on the left side of the blog near the top!) Lots of love!
Genesis 1:9
And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ever Wonder Why....

Ever Wonder Why.... 

Do you ever wonder why when you get bananas they always seem to be bruised?
Well, if you have an 18 month old who hates sitting in the cart and would rather be walking you would have the answer to this question!  What is more fun then taking the bananas which are on a side cap at toddler level down and throwing them on the floor!?  I had to document this moment as I thought it was funny and cute all at the same time!

Not only did Brennan show extreme joy in finding the bananas or (nana') as he says, but he was so proud to be lining up multiple bunches of bananas on the floor at Walmart!  He seemed to find the most fun putting them back on the shelf!  Oh, and if you are wondering....we did buy the bananas that suffered the most harm!

Bananas lined up!
Bananas come down!

Bananas all cleaned up!

I hope that you enjoyed this little day brightener!  Now, every time you see a bruised banana you will think of that toddler who "gently" tossed that bunch of bananas on the floor!

Leave a Comment!
What shenanigans have your children done in the store while shopping?

Psalm 127:3
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.

Friday, March 14, 2014

One Word...


This word sums up how our entire family felt this whole week.  I had conferences this week Monday through Wednesday which meant Jeff was on Daddy Duty.  If there is one thing that I have a hard time with it is not getting to put my babies to bed.  There is something about snuggling your children, hugging them, singing them to sleep, reading books and interacting with them, and kissing their sweet cheeks that melts my heart. 

Thursday I got to spend some Mommy time with Ellie, she had dance!  She works so hard.  I love getting to see her interact with the other girls.  Ellie has the biggest heart.  There is one little girl that has a very hard time even coming into dance class, and Ellie holds her hand and tells her it is going to be ok every time.  When I see things like that, I couldn't be more proud of the little girl we have raised.  Ellie amazes us everyday, she is God's blessing!

Brennan had his 18 month check up this week, love that lil' man!  He is our 50% baby!  He has started saying more words which is very exciting for us!  He loves to read books, blow kisses, and give hugs!  Another one of God's amazing blessings!

I thank the Lord for blessing our family in so many ways.  Regardless of how chaotic life can get we must still be thankful for what we have.  EXHAUSTED....yes but thankful for our health, love, and happiness.....a bigger YES.

1 John 4:19 
We love because he first loved us.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday...Daylight Savings with Kids....Enough Said

Happy Sunday!  Today we celebrated the Lord with worship at church!  Ellie loves going to church.  She said to me in the car, "Mom, I NEVER want to miss a day of church."  That was a proud Mommy moment for me!

Jeff played guitar today during worship.  I took a picture and of him playing one of our favorite songs.

So today was daylight savings day, you know.....spring ahead.  All I have to say is YIKES!  Our kids do not do well with sleep changes.  Our beautiful darling daughter, Ellie was up at 6:30.  Sounds ok right, but..... if we are factoring in that she went to bed at her normal time she really woke up at 5:30.  This is a nightmare in our house....especially around 2:00.  Our entire house was wiped, we could say:
This is the Johnson House, where EVERYONE is sleeping!  

We all napped!  YEH! And in our house that very RARELY happens!

Prior to napping (love), I took some video of Brennan and Ellie.  This goes to show how different our kids are.  One is like a tornado, the other calm and quiet (when she isn't bothering her brother).  Above all, they are wonderful kids!

Sorry if the video quality is terrible, I will have the Tech Guy work on that!
Oh, and they are silent' movies too...I guess.  Tech Guy will have to solve that mystery too!
So tonight, I leave you with a question and another verse:

Question: What do you cherish most about your family?

Isaiah 54:13
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Holy Cow....I haven't posted in FOREVER

Hello Everyone~

It has been quite sometime since I last posted anything.  Working full time, being a Mommy to two, being a wife, and serving at church have kept this lady busy!  I wanted to update you on our family and some amazing changes we have gone through!

1. We are a family devoted to Christ!
We have completely given our lives to serving the Lord!  We attend Riverside Church in Big Lake.  This church is amazing people.  If you do not have a need to come on a Sunday and check this one out.  You will NOT be disappointed.  We have grown as a married couple, as individuals, and as a family because of what we have taken from Riverside's message.  Jeff is VERY involved on the worship team.  He plays acoustic guitar with the worship team.  He is very good!  You should come see him play!  Jeff and I also have decided that it was our time to go all in.  We are hosting a small group at our home on Mondays.  This is a time to connect with other Riversiders and converse about ways to become better Christians.  We are doing Financial Peace University.....WOW!  This stuff is crazy, we are so blessed to have these people in our lives!

2. Brennan is 18 months!  He is so fun!  He loves to giggle, eat, and follow his sister around!  Brennan is so different from Ellie it is crazy.  One, the kid can out eat most of the family and two he is like a walking tornado!  He keeps us on our toes and adds a bit of crazy to the family!
 Typical time with Bren....giggle, giggle, giggle!
 This was Brennan and Ellie's space helmet!
Yes, this is a hockey net turned face mask!

3.  Ellie is 4 1/2!  She will be starting school in the Fall and couldn't be more excited.  She is spunky, stubborn, and spoiled!  She is so smart and just a sponge waiting to learn more.  I can't wait for her to start school and open her mind to learn even more.  Ellie is in dance and does very well!  She also started gymnastics and is dynamite.  She is SUPER strong and loves the uneven bars and climbing the rope.
 Ellie loves when her hair is curly!
 Love that smile~
I may be biased, but isn't she just adorable.

Before I sign off I leave you with a verse that I love about family:

 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.